
Hi, my name is Rebekah.
I´m a 500h registered yoga teacher.
I am a Norwegian girl currently living in Utah with the most gentle and kind human on the planet.
I love to get my hands and feet dirty in my garden, swim and surf in the great blue ocean, wear a messy bun all day long, cuddle with all the puppies and way up on that list of all the things I love, because I could go on and on and on is: Teaching YOGA.

I found my great love for yoga in 2013. It started as a tiny flicker of light that I felt compelled to share! I wanted everyone to know about the practices of yoga. I awakened my passion for teaching in 2014 after my first teacher training. I get so much out of teaching, as I get to evolve and learn through you. I love being a part of your experiences, and being able to help you work through any challenges, whether they are mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.

We all have something to work on. Sometimes we may not even know what our goals are, but yoga will still be there guiding us. We never become a “master yogi" (educated), we are all alike, we’re just on different levels on this incredibly beautiful yoga journey.

I want everyone who meets up on the mat to enjoy the time put in! To find a little extra peace and peace of mind on the mat. To release the things that no longer serve you and to challenge yourself. To fall and to rise again.

I hope that my classes will help others experience for themselves what I already know in my heart - yoga is peace, love, and self-acceptance. My goal is to help others feel safe, supported, and to feel free to be themselves. My hope as a teacher is to help each student accomplish whatever he or she is seeking, and in the end, to help students discover how yoga allows us to uncover and embrace our true selves, as the radiant, healthy, blissful, and loving beings that we are deep down.

Yoga is so serious that it must not be taken so seriously.
Yoga is for everyone. Come and play and start your yoga journey. -Rebekah

Yoga Sutra 1.1 "Atha Yoga Anushasanam - The study and practice of yoga begins"

Let's connect!


Vinyasa Flow

Come flow with me. 
Literally translated from Sanskrit, Vinyasa means “connection” or “flow” Vinyasa Yoga synchronizes movement with breath which helps the practitioner develop a greater sense of self-awareness, balance, and harmony with themselves and their environment. Vinyasa flow classes typically include smoothly flowing movements between poses guided by the force of inhales and exhales. Each class is unique, but may include the many variations of Sun Salutations as well as standing postures, inversions, backbends, twists, forward bends, and deep relaxation.
This is an all levels flow class. 
Remember. Yoga is not about touching your toes. But what you learn on the way down. 
Can’t wait to see you on the mat.


Yin Yoga

A quiet yet profound and highly therapeutic style of yoga that is available to all students at all levels. The power of Yin is in its long-held relaxed floor postures. 
This kind of stretch stimulates the deep, connective tissues of the body, affecting not only the physical body, but also energetic aspects of the self. Yin yoga strengthens the flow of prana (life force) or chi, maintains the health of the meridian system of the body, and as an additional bonus contributes to the mindfulness necessary for a successful meditation practice. It is a logical balance to dynamic, muscular, “yang” forms of yoga and/ or strenuous exercise. Join me in this calm, relaxing and slow-paced yoga class to sit in the pure presence of awareness. There will be soothing music and light touch to guide you deeper into the long held postures.


Jivamukti Open

Whether you’re a beginner, deciphering the difference between vrksasana (tree) and sirshasana (headstand) or an advanced yogi who can put both feet behind their head, the Jivamukti Open class welcomes you, as it is open to practitioners of all levels.
You work at your own pace, following the teacher’s verbal as well as hands-on guidance. Asana options will be provided for beginners, intermediate and advanced students.
A typical Open class incorporates the five tenets of Jivamukti Yoga:
* shastra (scripture)
* bhakti (devotion)
* ahimsa (kindness)
* nada (music)
* dhyana (meditation)
An Open class presents classical yoga teachings as relevant to one’s life on and off the mat, drawn from the Focus of the Month essay, supported by chanting, breath awareness, flowing vinyasa sequences, alignment exploration, hands-on assistance, relaxation and meditation.



Come relax, let go and enjoy a rejuvenating Soundbath. This meditative practice is for you to find calm and open your heart. 
“Used in sound healing therapy, singing bowls are believed to calm and repair the mind as well as reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, improve breathing and circulation, alleviate aches and pains, strengthen the immune system, and improve the mood of the patient.”
Get out of your head and into your heart! 
A sound bath experience has many benefits. In our culture we are becoming more and more aware of holistic approaches for relaxation and healing, to combat the everyday stresses of modern life. 
Sound baths are meant to help facilitate a shift in your brainwave state. Through frequency of sound it's possible, and very easy, to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), with the majority of people able to reach theta (meditative state) and even delta (where internal healing can occur). This experience is helpful for anyone who wants to give themselves a moment of relaxation or gain the benefits from meditation. The sounds are created by a wide range of instruments with different frequencies.
The purpose, and our collective goal, is to induce relaxation and explore personal inquiry. To open the heart center and feel peace.


Spiritual Warrior

This is a brisk, guided, led vinyasa class in which the teacher calls out the asanas and provides the breath count, but gives minimal instruction as to how to do the various asanas. The class offers a well-rounded practice as a set sequence that includes a warm-up, the setting of an elevated intention, chanting, surya namaskar, standing asanas, twists, balances, backward bending, forward bending and inversions, as well as meditation and relaxation, and is designed to be completed in one hour. Thus, it is suitable for those who have limited time to devote to a yoga practice, for those who are looking for a workout to “shape up” physically, and for those who are looking to include a robust asana practice in a manageable daily routine. Because it is a fixed sequence that is always the same, a student has the opportunity to progress to the level of mastery by committing to a consistent, steady, regular sadhana.

The first few classes may seem overwhelming, but with time and steady practice, progress will inevitably come. The Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior 1-hour sequence is a comprehensive yoga class that transforms, invigorates and energizes, while at the same time grounding and leading the student inward on an exploration of the deeper spiritual aspects of the self.



RelaxYin is a restorative/Yin Yoga class. 
Come enjoy essential oils, soft touch and long yummy stretches. This class is here for you to let go of everyday stresses. To relax into being. There will be uplifting, calming, relaxing oils and gentle touch to settle you into each pose. 
This yin class has a little extra love and light in it. Using light touch or by simply applying energy work to the space in the room, Reiki activates the natural healing processes of the body and restores physical and emotional well-being. 
And to top it off, there will be mood enhancing live music to get you into the present moment. Into your body,mind and spirit connection. 
Come Rejuvenate your natural rhythm & harmony, improve flexibility, dissolve tension, and experience a deep sense of well-being that will support you. 

Coming soon: Couples holistic healing

Sign up for my news letter for upcoming gatherings and news

Beyond mind, body and spirit

With an emphasis on breathing techniques and meditation, we promote thoughtful and reflexive yoga to promote both physical and mental well-being.


Learn more about our studio and philosophy around yoga.